Shibari Essentials 2 - Uplines
Uplines & Predicament
This workshop is all about creating safe fixation lines to add a third dimension (up!) to your rope play. Uplines (short for ‘fixation lines’) help you to not only add a third dimension for aesthetics, but also integrate elements of predicament or consensual distress in your ties. Ties will become more three-dimensional, more fun to play with for the shibarite (rope tope, ‘rigger’) and more challenging to undergo for the ukete (bottom, model).

Explore the Essentials of Shibari in 4 hour classes at Shibari Lounge in Antwerp.
Marc BeShibari and Shibarista Jess will guide you in discovering the aesthetics and basic techniques of this intimate form of rope play.
After these sessions you will be able to safely tie several basic patterns, with attention on technique and aesthetics of course, but especially focusing on the experience you will have together with your (rope-) partner.
You will:
learn to attach a suspension line safely to a ring or bamboo
explore the basic mechanics and dynamics of semi-suspension
play with basic semi-suspensions
play with endurance and balance (predicament bondage)
For whom?
This workshop is for couples with some experience in Shibari. You are confident with a single column tie, tension, reverse tension and frictions. It is an advantage if you know how to tie a TK chest harness, but you can perfectly attend this class if you don't.
Price: 120€ per couple.
Registration is per couple only. Switching during the workshop is not allowed.
If you are single and want to attend a workshop: we cannot provide you with a rope partner. Please try to find a partner at our Shibari Night, other rope events or put an ad on social media.