Building Blocks 1: Futomomo & Arm Binders
Some of the most common parts of more complex ties involve tying a folded leg (futomomo shibari) or tying the arms together behind the back. In this workshop we will teach you how to tie two much used building blocks: futomomo shibari and arm binders, safe to use for floorwork, semi- and ultimately full suspension. We will teach you to tie these patterns and incorporate them in a full tie.
This workshop will be taught by Shibarista Jess. In this workshop you will learn to:
tie a futomomo suitable for semi- and (later) full suspension
attach an upline to your futomomo and load the tie
different ways to start an arm binder tie
attach an upline to your arm binder tie and progress to strappado
For whom?
This workshop is for couples with some experience in Shibari. You are confident with the single column tie, tension, reverse tension and frictions. You know how to tie secure uplines and have some experience with semi-suspension. It is an advantage if you know how to tie a TK chest harness, but you can perfectly attend this class if you don't.
This class will not cover use of these patterns in full suspension.
Price: 120€ per couple.
​Registration is per couple only. Switching during the workshop is not allowed.